Sayed Ismail Shihabudheen Council for Visionary Leadership (SISCO)

The Zahra Foundation and the International Islamic University established the Shaikh Ismail Shihabudheen Council for Visionary Leadership to advance the study of the Arabic book Al Hamishi Thafaseer and bring out its pearl of knowledge and wisdom to aid humanity's advancement and prosperity. In order to spread wisdom to those who are seeking it, a group of well-known IIUM researchers have agreed to conduct research on decoding the author's written essence. We're excited to start this research and set up a separate research center on the campus of the university.

This would be a great beginning of relationship between Zahra Foundation and IIUM Malaysia, We are expected to conduct various programs, including training, workshops, and seminars, with an emphasis on visionary leadership, in the coming years.

Ala Hamishi Thafaseer, a unique and authentic interpretation of the Holy Quran by Shaikh Ismail Shihabudheen Thangal, is a literary work that holds great significance for the entire human race. This comprehensive interpretation not only delves deep into the spiritual and moral teachings of the Quran, but also takes into account the latest scientific findings to make it easier for modern minds to comprehend. At top universities in Kerala, India, like the University of Kerala, Trivandrum, and the University of Calicut, research is being done on this interpretation of the Holy Quran. 

This interpretation of the Quran is being studied at well-known universities like the International Islamic University Malaysia, and Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, has also been asked to look into it. This highlights the importance and relevance of this work in the academic world, and its potential to bring about a positive change in the way we understand and interpret the Quran. We are currently talking to other top Islamic universities in different parts of the world about working together on similar research projects.

Adopting and taking care of a Muslim girl child is a noble and responsible task that requires a great deal of love, patience, and understanding. As her parent, you'll have a big impact on her beliefs, values, and personality. It is important to give her a safe and caring place to live and teach her about Islam's teachings and principles. This includes teaching her about prayer, fasting, and the importance of treating others with kindness and compassion. It also means providing her with a balanced education that includes both religious and secular subjects, and encouraging her to become an active and engaged member of the community. Above all, it means showing her unconditional love and support, and guiding her as she grows and develops into a confident and well-rounded individual. 

Providing free education to girl children is a powerful way to break the cycle of poverty and inequality, and to empower the next generation of women to reach their full potential. Education is a basic human right, and it's important that girls have the same opportunities to get a good education so they can help themselves and their communities have a better future. By investing in girls' education, we are not only opening doors for them, but also creating a better world for all. a world where women are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in any field they choose, to lead, and to effect change. Education is a powerful tool that helps girls deal with problems, fight for their rights, and make smart choices about their lives.

Providing free medical services to those in need is a noble and compassionate act that has the power to change lives and transform communities. Access to good health care is a basic human right, and we can help make sure that everyone has the chance to live a healthy, happy life by supporting organizations that provide free medical services. Donating to these organizations, no matter the size of the contribution, can make a significant impact and help provide lifesaving medical care to those who need it most. Your donation can help make sure that everyone has access to the medical care they need to thrive. 

Premarital counseling is a great way for a couple to improve their relationship, build trust, and make sure they will have a happy and successful marriage. By participating in premarital counseling, couples have the chance to explore their individual and shared values, beliefs, and goals, and to develop a deeper understanding of each other. The counseling process provides a safe and supportive environment for couples to discuss their expectations, challenges, and any concerns they may have, and to develop strategies for building a strong and lasting partnership. By investing in premarital counseling, couples are setting themselves up for a brighter future and building a foundation of love, trust, and mutual support that will last a lifetime.

Women's empowerment is a crucial step towards building a just and equal society. Empowering women means giving them the tools and resources they need to succeed and reach their full potential. It means creating a world where women have equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and political participation. By empowering women, we are not only improving their lives, but we are also strengthening families, communities, and the world as a whole. Women bring unique perspectives and strengths to the table, and when they are empowered, they can drive positive change and create a better future for all. Investing in women's empowerment is an investment in a brighter future, not just for women but for everyone.

Ala Hamishi Thafaseer research project on the true meaning of the Holy Quran is a truly inspiring effort that has the potential to do a lot of good for people. The Holy Quran is a source of guidance, wisdom, and spirituality for millions of people around the world, and a deep understanding of its teachings is essential for personal growth and development. By striving to uncover the authentic meaning of the Quran, and making that understanding accessible to people from all walks of life, Thafaseer is helping to spread the message of love, compassion, and understanding that is at the heart of the Islamic faith. This research project has the potential to have a far-reaching impact, fostering greater understanding and harmony among people of different cultures and beliefs, and helping to create a more peaceful and just world.